Gumboots (and crocs) and silly games in class today, accompanied by the sweet ch-ching of coins into the donation box. We donated!! Have you? Get behind this awesome charity and great cause #IAmHope_NZ #CounterpunchParkinsons #DontMessWithTheseGuys #WeAreUnruly
Gumboot Friday: a fun way for kiwis to join the mental health conversation, and raise money for FREE & timely counselling for our kids. - Givealittle is the place to donate and fundraise for causes and charities online. Want to see the original post? Visit:
Well worth a listen, and if the book ‘Living and Caring’, published posthumously and to be released next week for world Parkinson’s Day is even half as good as Ann Andrew’s first book ‘Positively Parkinson’s, we should all be queuing up for it!
Ann Andrews was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease when she was 58. Her third book tells the honest truth about what it's like to care for someone who has Parkinson's and other degenerative diseases. Want to see the original post? Visit: |